May I respectfully suggest you could add a comment field on the survey for each question, that way you may receive additional valuable feedback.
The Rebel.
May I respectfully suggest you could add a comment field on the survey for each question, that way you may receive additional valuable feedback.
The Rebel.
a very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
a very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
I had intended to leave this thread, but I feel I must reply to your posts " brandnew"
In my opinion we have a new poster, and an O.P written to awaken our sympathies for " his" friend from bethel. Now posters on the thread are questioning the authenticity of the O.P. Personally I find my sympathy is with the new poster, and if he is genuine and not so tormented by these accusations I hope he rises to DJS challenge, and clarifies the authenticity of the O.P. Until then I personally feel it unfair to attack the new poster further.
The Rebel.
a very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
Ummmm, the Internet is challenging:-
A) wanting to sympathize and empathize with posters.
B) marking those for liguidation who break the posting guidelines.
Well having read this O.P I don't personally feel a victim of bullshit, and all I would add is I was not searching for authenticity in the O.P. I therefore hope your friend from bethel doesn't end up peddling dope, or hating an organization, but takes personal accountability for his life and makes a success of life outside bethel.
The Rebel.
a very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
So being kicked out of the callous social institution known as a religious organization has woken up a former bethelite. In my opinion your friend should first now try to succeed in his life outside the watchtower social institution of bethel, before wasting more years of his life in bitterness trying to expose an organization that he feels has treated him appallingly.
Sorry if my reply is insensitive, but I believe the time to expose the watchtower should come second and his struggle for economic survival and making a happy life first.
The Rebel
thought it would be good to share what ones take to deal with the meetings.
Ummmmm. I think the best drug is humor, the meetings are so bizarre and 50% of the audience don't give a f..k anyway. The tragic figure of those pious, serious elders with no skill and no talent at public speaking,talking crap which they think important does have a degree of tragic humor. And I always delighted in some of the absurd and ridiculous comments from the audience, which often had nothing to do with the subject.
The Rebel.
list as an accomplishment on a resume, "i escaped from a mind control doomsday cult?".
sometimes when i reflect on it, the magnitude of this accomplishment amazes me..
I would certainly find away to list the skills I used to exit the cult, and apply those skills to the relevance of the application.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
Krejames " I met Banannarama in Northampton if that counts"
The Rebel :- it makes my point wonderfully:-
" Robert De Niro's Waiting" was the bands big hit.
This is a song about a girl who goes into a fantazy world where she meats the actor Robert De Niro.....yet if you meet De Niro in real life he is supposed to be nervous and shy.
My wife and I once shared a beer with Gilby Clarke former guitarist of guns and roses.He and his wife were the most wonderful people. And although never a member of the origional band, I think Gilbys opportunity came about because he was well behaved (his dad was a doctor) and they bought him in the band when the band needed that ....mind you they kicked him out 2 years later, and that's why all these years later his doing small shows and how come me and my wife had the opportunity to meet him and his partner for a beer.
I also have a friend who got on the Swedish version of Americas got talent, he did good and progressed but the judges still treated him as shit in the quarter final, and that says everything to me about reality T.V and talent shows. Humiliation rather than let's make this talent happen.
The Rebel.
my brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams.
anyway george michael and andy ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both.
as a result i met george and andy before they found fame with wham.. geri hallaway ( spice girl) also came from watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a j.w) and i once spoke with geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister.
My brother attended a college for those who " f..led" up at school and got a second chance to do the exams. Anyway George Michael and Andy Ridgley, were two of those fu..k ups, and my brother was quite friendly with both. As a result I met George and Andy before they found fame with Wham.
Geri Hallaway ( spice girl) also came from Watford when she grew up and was a friend of my sister ( her mum a J.W) and I once spoke with Geri on the phone when she rang asking to speak with my sister. (These were the days before mobiles)
I met Elton John when i was about 14 and returning home from the football match . I stopped in at the local chippy ( fish and chip shop) Elton a life time Watford fan got out of his chauffeur driven car and accompanied by two bouncers came in and ordered his take away chips. He was brilliant and spent time talking with the fans about the game, ( I guess when he was 14, like me after the game he bought chips, wrapped up in newspaper and covered in malt vinegar from the same chippy)
What struck me as interesting was my brother attending college with George Michael and my sister being friends with Geri Halliway before they became famous. I have concluded this wasn't so amazing, it was simply a question of opportunity because:-
A) Talented singers have greater opportunity of making it if they live in London rather than other places in the world.
B) When talented people appear on shows like " The X factor" or " American has Talent" we rarely find " Super Stars" because the people that produce the show and the judges aren't interested in discovering talent, and so throw the talent away like toilet paper.
So my questions are :-
A) Who has known those that have become famous?
B) Who has known those that have talent but without opportunity to become famous?
The Rebel.
not being familiar with either, my question is:.
what is the relationship between evolution and atheism?.
i'd love to hear from anyone and everyone, and also from any perspective.. without limiting the conversation in any way, i would of course also appreciate comments that are simple, clear, direct and correct (as i don't have the capacity to do a phd in evolution or atheism)..
GoneAwol " The bible.....Absolute rubbish"
The Rebel (A) Playing devils advocate, try telling the super pious religious followers that.
I say this because " whilst science books can update books as more information becomes available" and whilst I agree this is true we also have new versions or maybe I should write new " visions" of the bible. As witnesses our updated bible came through the Watchtower, and other religions also have updated information from the bible .So in away religion like science does try to get closer to the truth, with updated more modern information. This is what happened with 1914 and the generation change.
My point is it's wrong to believe all scientists are squeeky clean both in motive or thinking despite credentials, and so whilst I appreciate my new freedom to think, I believe all thinking is limited and it's foolish not to independently think things out, without just accepting teachings from those that claim a higher authority.
The Rebel.